Saturday, January 23, 2010

Great Writing Can Be Found In Comic Books

I love comic books but don't generally read them. I look at the nice pictures because comic books aren't usually well-written. But there are exceptions. A great comic book writer first must invent a brilliant and unique story premise:
Now you can't beat that for an original premise! A talking duck doesn't believe in talking dogs.
An executive would question the logic of that, but I would answer - cartoons are supposed to be preposterous - as long as you follow your own internal logic.
Donald's nephews love to irritate them, and us. Here they interrupt Donald's favorite TV show to ask for a ridiculous impossible present.
After giving the boys a piece of his duck mind, he returns to watch his favorite talk show.
And who's doing the talking?
Donald wants to be on the talk show too, so he applies to the talking producer who is a half dog.
Donald is miffed, but not defeated. He heads to the beach to perform something more miraculous than a talking dog and reporters are there to get the story. Reporters who are dogs who not only talk, but they write for a living.
Finally a dog comes along and Donald finally notices that dogs can talk.

Donald has never watched any Walt Disney cartoons.
The talking half-dog is amazed that there is a talking dog.

Another half dog comes in, equally surprised that there are talking animals at all.
In another story, Donald has finally suspended his disbelief -which is what you should do when reading cartoon stories.
Here's some dogs that just can't shut up!
Here's one that can only talk if he has a microphone.
Of course he can talk to kids though, because immature ducks have open imaginations and will accept anything.
This is where I discovered that anything goes in a cartoon story!

Here are Donald's 2 best friends, a talking mouse and a talking dog. They are funny too.