The scenes that introduce Captain Hook in Peter Pan stand out to me especially after so many long boring totally generic scenes of other characters.

The construction and design is cleverly made to be functional-to make the features pliable and to leave enough room between each feature to move them so that they don't bump into each other when they do move.
It's a very solidly drawn 3 dimensional construction with difficult tall body proportions and like most Disney characters, very hard to control.
That's the Disney animators' greatest skill-controlling tight animation of difficult to draw characters so that it doesn't look like there are any mistakes or jerky actions. They almost always achieve this herculean feat (the original Walt Disney movies) and suitably impress the hell out of us-especially if we are animators. We know how hard it is to do.
The acting in Disney movies is usually a lot less impressive, but Hook is a step in the right direction.

This expression above is not really an expression, It's a stock Disney trick. Squash one eye and stretch the other, which makes the face look organic, rather than mechanic, and organic is what life is.
Squash and stretch and organic pliability are concepts we should understand if we are going to draw life, but they are just the first steps. They are simply tools we could use then to create a lot of unique expressions like humans have. But many animators are merely content with the tools, not the creative use of them.

But for heaven's sake, why not let these animators go and do something?

Here are some cool drawings that you don't really see in real time. They are accents on the way to blander expressions. Why not make these keys instead so we can appreciate them?

Peter Pan, like so many Disney movies is a huge unfulfilled promise.
It has a few scenes where it seems like the animators have experimented with certain characters and are now ready to really let loose with them, but the damn story holds them back.
It's 90% filler.
Hook's introduction makes you think he's going to progress and get more and more specific and rich, but he never does. There is no chemistry between him and Pan. Their ancient rivalry is told to us in exposition, but it never comes to life on the screen. They don't seem to connect, even when they fight. They just perform what the story tells them to perform and get it over with.
The story people should have spent more time developing thier relationship and giving them meatier scenes to perform.
Tinker Belle is phenomenally animated and has a great design, but there's nothing for her to do in the story.
The Indian Chief has a very interesting set of dialogue mouth shapes, but once we see that, it never progresses.
It's like Disney teases you with what could be but is never fulfilled. Does anyone have an explanation for this? It's such a mystery!
Instead we get tons of bland boring scenes with generic personalityless characters:
The lost Boys
The snob family
A bunch of generic pirates.
A song about how wonderful Moms are.
(Moms are wonderful, but that's what greeting cards are for, not cartoons.)
Think what kind of a great movie could have been made if they had focused more on Hook, the crocodile, Tinkerbell, the Indians, the mermaids and Pan. These are all the characters that the kids love.
If you lined up an image of each of these characters you would think, "Wow! This is gonna really be fun!"

If you lined up the lost boys, Wendy and the parents and slapped them on a billboard, would anyone want to come see that movie?

The biggest shame of this Disney blandification and filler is not the classic Disney movies themselves, but the terrible influence these movies have had on later, less skilled generations of animation producers.
Now we have only the blandness and stock acting, but none of the amazing animation or great drawing and none of the characters that at least show promise.
I agree with Milt Kahl about this kinda stuff: