2) *** The layout draws you to the picture. The picture-the biggest one if there are more than one is the most important element of the layout. If it isn't pleasing, you won't bother to read the text. You'll turn the page. The layout is not an end in itself. It is subservient to the message and the picture. It is a tool to guide your eye to the fun.
3) The picture attracts you to find out about it and hopefully read the text.

I believe in the basic principles of composition (or layout - or structure), hierarchy and clarity in every kind of communication- whether it's drawing cartoons, writing a story, directing a picture or even just selling a product. These basic principles don't at all hinder your style. These examples show a variety of styles that all use logic, clarity and functional design.
This kind of planned communication is what separates "vintage" pop culture and art from today's.

Clarity and design VS cluttered anarchy.
More examples of good stuff to come...