second batch

Proportions: Seeing and measuring them
Line Quality: Drawing a bit less rough
Negative Space: Seeing it and not shrinking it- making space your friend

Then when you get confidence in copying PB's hands, look at some real hands and see if you can simplify them into carton shapes. That way you'll se if you understand how they are constructed and will be able to focus on the forms while ignoring all the complicated details: knuckles, wrinkles, hairs, veins etc.
I also gave him tips:
Stay organized: keep track of everything you draw, and store different things in folders
Clean your workspace every day: Don't leave a giant mess on your desk at the end of the day. You will waste valuable time next day hunting through the mess trying to find what you need.
Write Down Everything You Learn and Observe: The more you write don what you are doing, the better the concepts stick to your brain.
Apply what you learn to your own work: I can't tell you how many people study things, and then ignore them in their own work. It's a mystery to me that I will never fathom, but if you make a conscious effort to do it then all your studies will be rewarded by better drawing, a wdier pallette and maybe even a style of your own some day.