LVE DEMO SATURDAY - 12:00 - 12:45
John's Funky HB: Development for CN
Schedule | CTN Animation Expo
Hey come see me and other Spumco cartoonists this weekend at the CTN Expo.
Jim Smith, Vincent Waller, Rich Pursel, Mike Fontanelli, Patrick Owsley and Shane Glines will take turns at our booth.
You can also hang with some of my current crew of animators.
We'll have our Hardcover collection of famous 90s comics we drew handy. Buy one and get it signed.
Jim Smith will have his amazing sketchbooks on hand.
We'll also have assorted stickers and cartoon souvenirs for your collection.
On Sunday the talented Disney animator and director will interview me and you can pipe in with questions and shoe throwing.
Here's the schedule of 3 planned events but we also have a booth that's open all weekend.
Schedule | CTN Animation Expo
John's Funky HB: Development for CN
Schedule | CTN Animation Expo
Hey come see me and other Spumco cartoonists this weekend at the CTN Expo.
Jim Smith, Vincent Waller, Rich Pursel, Mike Fontanelli, Patrick Owsley and Shane Glines will take turns at our booth.
You can also hang with some of my current crew of animators.
We'll have our Hardcover collection of famous 90s comics we drew handy. Buy one and get it signed.
Jim Smith will have his amazing sketchbooks on hand.
We'll also have assorted stickers and cartoon souvenirs for your collection.
Look for these banners to find us.
I am also supposed to do a live demo on Saturday - I'm not sure of what yet, maybe some tumbling or tap dancing.
On Sunday the talented Disney animator and director will interview me and you can pipe in with questions and shoe throwing.
Here's the schedule of 3 planned events but we also have a booth that's open all weekend.
Schedule | CTN Animation Expo