sent by my Dad
"Here are some comments from viewers on Seth MacFarlain's entry into animated commercials, You have a head start, hope your show gets a lot of attention, looks like Google is interested in animated commercials. I sent this to you in case you have not heard about it, I saw the article in the Ottawa Citizen to-day."
Google to Make History with Exclusive Animated Internet Series?
Written by Corvida / June 30, 2008 9:15 AM / 13 Comments
The Distribution Plan
Apparently, the plan is going to involve a lot of of work will use Google's Adsense advertising system and the Google Content Network to run the series.
"Google will syndicate the program using its AdSense advertising system to thousands of Web sites that are predetermined to be gathering spots for Mr. MacFarlane's target audience, typically young men. Instead of placing a static ad on a Web page, Google will place a "Cavalcade" video clip. "
There will be numerous strategies used for incorporating the advertisements into the clips including "preroll" ads, which will remind viewers of a commercial, banners at the bottom of the video clip, or a "brought to you by" note at the beginning.
The Animated Series
The series will be exclusive to the internet alone. The series will also include a new line-up of characters and will be 50 episodes that are two-minutes each. MacFarlane describes the episodes as, "animated versions of the one-frame cartoons you might see in The New Yorker, only edgier." MacFarlane will receive a percentage of the advertising revenues and will also work with advertisers to provide original animated commercials to run with "Cavalcade" for a hefty fee. There's no word yet on who's signed-up for the deal.
Why is This a Big Deal?
If Google succeeds, this could become the premier internet business model for Hollywood to look into. With a multimillion-dollar production price tag and a high-profile Hollywood celeb, Google could make history, while making Hollywood's dreams come true. This pay day could be huge for both sides of this fence if Google succeeds.