I'm not sure if anyone remembers the other day when I mentioned that cartoonists often leave out the area on the head between the face and the back of the head and jaw.
Well I do it myself when not thinking about it.

I didn't leave enough room at the left side for the negative space. Many of us have a tendency to leave out spaces in our drawings. We just fill the silhouette up with positive shapes.
On a 3/4 head we think that both sides of the head are the same shape and that is completely wrong. It's only the same on both sides when you look at a head straight on. When you see a 3/4 angle then the one side of the head is made up of different parts of facial anatomy than the other. They aren't mirror images. Cartoonists tend to draw the cheek and chin on both sides of the 3/4 head - which is wrong. we only see a sillo of cheek on the farther side of the face. On the closer side, we see the jawline, the temple and a lot of space between the face and the back of the head.
I knew I made the same mistake on that drawing of Cooper I posted the other day and felt terribly guilty about it.

So over pizza I redrew him from memory, being careful to map out the space at the left side of the drawing. I still didn't leave enough room for the jaw. When I do a final model, I will use construction and get it right.

He also has a very interesting skull shape in profile, something like the above. It's a crappy drawing, because I hadn't drawn his profile before, so I'll get at learning a better one soon.

Here I tried drawing another news personality from memory. Can you guess who it is? He reminds me of a Gerry Anderson character.
Speaking of caricatures, Marlo is much better than me and she is selling her wares over here. Be the first on your block to pick up a nice print!
