My only critiques are very small:
1) He has squashed the craniums slightly - causing the eyes and facial features to be a bit cramped. The character needs a bit more space around his eyes. This is a common problem with cartoonists and I find myself explaining it over and over again to the same artists.
2) The finish is a bit "itchy". I think maybe because of the rough corrugated paper Davi is using or maybe the pencil is too grainy.
3) The money stacks are a bit too vague and have different shapes than on the frame grabs.

Here's his stuff from just 2 days earlier and you can see how much he has improved.
These forms are a little vague and wobbly - unsure of themselves - probably because he is not used to drawing such simple forms.

But his latest stuff at the top is a big advancement, just by his dedicated practice.
He will be joining the private school if he wants.
His advantage is that he can already draw well, now he is learning to draw simpler designs - but that still are good drawings, not just flatness.

These show that he is a thoughtful artist: he combines observation with knowledge of how things work.
He combines what his eye tells him with what his brain explains to him about why things look the way they do.