How do you take a scribble like this and make it look solid, while retaining the expression and style?
Well first, analyze it emotionally.
Kaspar is proud in a satisfied sort of way. He has completed a dastardly mission of tearing socks and has gotten away with it. His expression is confident as he gingerly puts back a destroyed sock.
Then analyze physically how that expression and pose is visualized in the rough:
His body pose is somewhat squarish, with the body leaning slightly back to the right.
His arm is in a soft kind of almost S curve.
His eyes are asymmetrical but have to fit into his facial structure.
His smile is off to one side. It pulls his nose and upper muzzle with it.
It pushes the cheek up with it.
His arm on the left (and shoulder) is raised - the other arm is lowered and at ease. That hand points to the drawer of misdeeds.
Are there mistakes that can be corrected? - the nose should be pulled along with the muzzle instead of being in its normal middle position.
All the wiggly hairs have to be ignored while drawing the construction.
OK, now you're ready to draw the structure of all this:
