Here are some neat images from 2 of my favorite sites.

I love the look of these early HB cartoons. The BG colors in 2 Corny Crows are really clever and tasty.

Sometimes I think it's harder to pull off simple than complicated.

These layouts have everything I talk about, with just enough detail to give them organic texture.

I think I will take that superficially simple "Nowhere Bear" cartoon from the other day and compare it, creatively point by creative point to some big budget modern animated executive created leviathan. Any ideas of what movie I should use? That furry picture would be good.

Or the afro-'tude-frog-princess-revert to our roots and sell more princess dolls picture? There are too many to choose from.
I'll leave out the amount of inbetweens comparison, because obviously if you have an unlimited budget you can afford as many inbetweens as you crave.
YOWPP.S. Is there someone who lives in the San Fernando Valley who is good at the technical stuff I'm always asking about? I could trade someone a drawing and t -shirt for an hour or 2 of your time.