Does anyone think Shane Glines is "old School"?

http://www.brandstudiopress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=95A term I keep hearing in defense of modern primitive cartoons is that old or well drawn, well thought out cartoons are just "old-school" which I imagine is what we used to call "square." So skill is square according to folks who wish they could draw better, can't (or can but don't want to admit it),

but instead have chosen to just jump on the flatwagon.

Here's what Shane said about my last post about George Clark:
"Hi John, Clark was fantastic, and I agree that he was probably and influence on Owen. I have a bunch of George Clark on Cartoon Retro- here are some better scans to use for your article:"

Ed Benedict, Kimball and Oreb could do very graphic, angular designs but they were still solid forms drawn with perspective. Shapes had a top, front, sides, and bottom.
That Snooper and Blabber drawing posted a few days ago blew my mind- such a sophisticated arrangement of cool shapes- angular and graphic but all fitting around solid forms. It's my favorite cartoon style, and I can't even imagine being able to draw something so complex. Clearly if you try to draw that style without understanding solid drawing and perspective you end up with this current style - characters run over by a steamroller. -Shane.
http://cartoonretro.blogspot.com/Here's some "new-school" cartoon art that I think has all the attributes I like about "old-school" cartoon art.
Kristen may draw in a slightly angular style, but it's based on a keen observational capacity and really strong drawing skills. I can guess some of her influences, but her style is unique, it's not just the modern simplistic flat TV style that so many copy.

It's also
funny which
along with good drawing must be considered "old-school" since I don't see any funny looking cartoons anywhere in the mass media - not on TV,

comic strips, comic books or even animated movies. The number one ingredient of what a cartoon
is is non-existent today except for on a handful of blogs created by the last living actual cartoonists. Are cartoons going to be considered a 20th century anomaly soon, since they have disappeared from the mainstream?

Shane is much like me. He draws in an influential modern style - but it's derived by a love, understanding and appreciation of a huge variety of well drawn "old-school" styles from the 1920s to the 1950s. We both appreciate good drawing whether it's new school or old-school and can tell the difference between skilled art and poseurs.
Join Shane's special site to see lots of rare great old-school cartoon art and illustrations!

http://www.cartoonretro.com/http://www.shaneglines.net/More on capitalism coming: What I like about real Capitalism